Sunday, April 27, 2008


"Artista" usa partes da cabeça de cão para "fazer arte" Por favor, Proteste!

Mais um “artista” sanguinário. Desta vez, não é toureiro nem é Habacuc Vargas, o célebre autor da instalação supostamente artística em que um cão foi mantido em exibição sem ser alimentado até morrer de inanição.

Trata-se agora de Rodrigo Braga, um “artista” brasileiro que, depois de ter escolhido um cão rottweiler para ser morto, cortou a cabeça do animal e removeu-lhe enxertos de pele e pêlo, a boca e focinho e os olhos para “fazer arte”.

A ideia deste ser evidentemente muito transtornado era fabricar uma imagem que reflectisse a fusão fisionómica deste com a do cão.

O resultado é verdadeiramente aberrante e pode ser visto em

Em, encontra os contactos deste criminoso – por favor, envie o seu protesto contra esta barbaridade cujos contornos de malvadez são verdadeiramente assustadores.

microcredit africaworks

Africa Works - the slogan of the campaign developed by Fabrica - will appear on billboards and in the press throughout the world, from February 2008. It features Senegalese workers who have used micro loans to start small, productive businesses. Photographer James Mollison portrays them with the tools of their trade against a neutral background. They include, amongst others, a fisherman, a decorator, a musician, a jewellery-maker, a farmer, a tailor, two textile sellers and a boxer. These everyday people become tangible symbols of an Africa that uses the dignity of work to fight poverty, promote equitable development, maximise its resources and take back responsibility for creating its future.

Alessandro Benetton, Executive Deputy Chairman of Benetton Group explains the conviction with which Benetton has backed the project: "We chose to support and promote this important project because, unlike traditional acts of solidarity, it offers tangible support to small local entrepreneurs through the efficient use of micro-credit. Precisely because it is based on entrepreneurial talent, hard work, optimism and interest for the future, this project effectively promotes the new face of Africa."

Youssou N'Dour, one of Africa's best-known singers and a man committed to humanitarian projects, comments: "my personal experience led me to realise that when a loan, however small, is used to develop an idea or realise a project, it is an effective way of fighting poverty. This is why everybody must understand the value of micro-credit. Africa doesn't want charity, it wants repayable subsidised loans."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Get Up, Goldfinger

Letra da nova música dos Goldfinger acerca da luta pelos direitos dos animais. Música em

I see their lips move but all I hear is shit.
They act so intellectual but they do crimes they don't admit.
We need action in the street, moving with our feet.
It's time to shout out loud.
It's time to start a movement, and there's no time like right now.
It's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, stand up, it's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, it's time to start a fight.

Monkey see, monkey do, but all I see is death.
Electrocute and cut them up, watch them take their last breath.

We need action in the street, moving with our feet.
It's time to shout out loud.
It's time to start a movement and there's no time like right now.
It's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, stand up, it's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, it's time to start a fight.

I've held my breath so many times when I'm praying for the tortured souls.
But your souls they seem to be done for.
Your bodies they have waged wars.
So what gives them the right to take your life from you?
Why do they all play God?
Who said that is your job?
It's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, stand up, it's time to get up, get up, get up, why don't you?
Stand up, stand up, it's time to start a fight!

I've heard it's a rat race and they race until they're dead.
You pesticides commit homicide slit their throats until they've bled.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Urge NIH to end cruel Animal Nicotine Experiments

Take Action to push for change during WWAIL
Many people find this hard to believe, but the U.S. government continues to sink millions of dollars each year into funding cruel and outdated experiments on animals to test the effects of nicotine and tobacco. Please join IDA during this week's observance of World Week for Animals in Laboratories (WWAIL) ( to call attention to this outrage and speak out in opposition. IDA's Up in Smoke ( campaign highlights the futility and inhumanity of nicotine experimentson newborn and pregnant animals. These are some examples: - Since 1992, Elliot Spindel at Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity delivers steady doses of nicotine to pregnant monkeys through pumps implanted into their backs. The babies are cut out of their mothers' wombs in order to dissect their lungs.
- At Texas A&M University, Ursula Winzer-Serhan forces baby rats to consume nicotine mixed with baby formula at the equivalent of three packs of cigarettes a day. After about a week of being fed nicotine, the babies' heads are cut off and their brains are dissected. - Researcher Kent Pinkerton at University of California, Davis,subjects pregnant rhesus monkeys to smoking chambers where theyare forced to inhale cigarette smoke for six hours each day,five days a week. When the infants are ten weeks old, they are killed by lethal injection and their lungs are dissected for analysis. Over the past five years, the National Institutes of Health(NIH) has given at least $16.5 million to this category of research. This appalling figure does not reflect the total costof all nicotine research on animals, but only that which focuses on nicotine's effect on fetal and newborn development. Animal researchers staunchly defend these experiments as necessary for improving maternal and newborn health. But answers don't come from animal studies. After decades of animal studies,we still have not solved the problem of smoking during pregnancy. Only education, public health outreach, and prevention programs can address the human behaviors that lead to smoking.

What You Can Do: Please call the following individuals between Tuesday, April 22nd and Thursday, April 24th to politely urge the NIH to stop funding nicotine experiments on animals and instead redirect funds towards prevention, education and smoking cessation programs.

Elias M. Zerhouni, MD, Director National Institutes of Health Tel: (301) 496-2433 Norka Ruiz Bravo, Ph.D. Director NIH Office of Extramural Research Tel: (301) 496-1096
Then Take Action ( to follow up with anemail to these individuals. To have the most impact, customize the sample letter in this alert to reflect your viewpoint.


It has been brought to my attention that one of the site administrators who began the petition has updated the status of the story. She has been informed by various sources that the dog exhibit was a stunt and he was in fact let free to escape. We are all crossing our fingers that was the case. I truly hope that the dog did not die in the name of art or whatever cause. However I would also like to thank all the group members who signed the petition and forwarded this group to bring awareness to this issue. I would like to remind all, that we did not petition for nothing. Stunt or not, we have served the objective of this group: prevent animal cruelty through spreading awareness and protest. The bottom line for myself is, exploiting an animal who is already sick and weak is still wrongful. Through this petitioning process, not only did we put pressure on govts, groups and media to investigate the issue, but we also erected a strong warning against any future acts of animal cruelty. I urge everyone to keep that spirit! Animals, as a vulnerable group will always face the risk of being exploited. We have the ability to prevent, preempt and stop future sufferings and therefore, we must continue this fight.

If you want, you can also writte asking for this monster to not represent his country (também pode escrever pedindo que este monstro não represente o seu país para):

pelo fim das touradas

Os Touros sofrem. Choram e sentem medo. Mas não falam a nossa língua. Se não falar por eles, quem falará? Se não for agora, quando será?... No Campo Pequeno Na Póvoa de Varzim Nas Caldas da Rainha Esteja lá e Proteste ...

Campo Pequeno:
8 e 15 de Maio (Quintas feiras)
Início às 19:30h
Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno

Póvoa de Varzim:
11 de Maio (Domingo)
Início 14:30h
Praça de Touros da Póvoa de Varzim

Caldas da Raínha:
Data ainda a determinar
Praça de touros das Caldas da Raínha

para mais informações por favor contacte:

Monday, April 21, 2008


Aqui fica, à V/ consideração. O Governo prepara-se para colocar portagens nas SCUTS do Grande Porto,Costa da Prata e Litoral Norte. Vias fundamentais como a A29, A28 e A42 vão passar a ter portagens,provavelmente ainda nos próximos meses, sem que existam alternativasviáveis.É urgente protestar! Assine o abaixo-assinado em:

Juntos podemos fazer a diferença e impedir este ataque aos nossos direitos!
Passa a palavra!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

último dia 20.04

Manuel Alvess

Manuel Alvess

Júlio Pomar

Júlio Pomar


novo projecto de fichas para uma memória futura de uma agenda artística possível, iníciado em colaboração com o jornalista Júlio Roldão no jornal "A Página" da educação (pág.13).
Este mês: "Coordenadas y Apariciones" de José Damasceno, no Raínha Sofia, em Madrid.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Vigo 04.08

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Boicot a la presencia de Guillermo Habacuc Vargas en la Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008

Como muitos devem saber e até ter protestado, em 2007,Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, um suposto artista, colheu um cão abandonado de rua, atou-o a uma corda curtissima na parede de uma galeria de arte e ali o deixou, a morrer lentamente de fome e sede. Durante varios dias, tanto o autor de semelhante crueldade, como os visitantes da galería de arte presenciaram impassiveis à agonia do pobre animal.Até que finalmente morreu de inanação, seguramente depois de ter passado por um doloroso, absurdo e incompreensivel calvario.

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parece-te forte? Pois isso nao é tudo: a prestigiosa Bienal Centroamericana de Arte decidiu, incompreensivelmente, que a selvageria que acabava de ser cometida por tal sujeito era arte, e deste modo tão incompreensivel Guillermo Vargas Habacuc foi convidado a repetir a sua cruel acção na dita Bienal en 2008. Facto que podemos tentar impedir, colaborando com a assinatura nesta petição : (não tem que se pagar, nem registar) para enviar a petição, de modo que este homem não seja felicitado nem chamado de 'artista' por tão cruel acto, por semelhante insensibilidade e disfrute com a dor alheia REENVÍA ESTA MENSAGEM A TODOS OS TEUS CONTACTOS, POR FAVOR. se puseres o nome do 'artista' no Google, saiem as fotos deste pobre animal e seguramente também aparecerão páginas web onde poderás confirmar a veracidade da informação.

'Haverá sempre, em algum lugar, um cão abandonado, que me impedirá de ser feliz...' Jean Anouilh

Tuesday, April 01, 2008